What Is It Like to Be a Bass? Fish-Eye View Photography (1919–22) publicdomainreview.org 18 points by prismatic 5 days ago
travisgriggs a day ago I love titles like this. Ones where you need the whole context to make sense of it.This bass eats bass.That bass sings bass.Our languages is such a hoot.(I know this is off topic in all but the meta sense, but low traffic here anyway) cbanek a day ago All about that bass, all about that bass.
Shalomboy 16 hours ago This is delightful. The photo "fingers in water as seen from below" is such a trip.
I love titles like this. Ones where you need the whole context to make sense of it.
This bass eats bass.
That bass sings bass.
Our languages is such a hoot.
(I know this is off topic in all but the meta sense, but low traffic here anyway)
All about that bass, all about that bass.
This is delightful. The photo "fingers in water as seen from below" is such a trip.
Just hoping the drums don't stop, like everyone else.