Totally misses the money laundering aspect of both porn and cryptocurrency.
Given that the production of porn is done on a shoestring, and all people involved are paid very little, yet there's tremendous money going to pay for the product, some unknowns are getting wealthy off the industry. How will "decentralized" finance help those unknowns stay out of the spotlight? Will DeFi and blockchain and all the aspects of cryptocurrency (like irrevocable transactions) help or hurt the porn industry? There's entire sub-industries, like card processing company CCBill, that have arisen around porn.
The tendency of money launderers to use crypto is famous. This article misses a whole lot of possible effects and goings-on.
Totally misses the money laundering aspect of both porn and cryptocurrency.
Given that the production of porn is done on a shoestring, and all people involved are paid very little, yet there's tremendous money going to pay for the product, some unknowns are getting wealthy off the industry. How will "decentralized" finance help those unknowns stay out of the spotlight? Will DeFi and blockchain and all the aspects of cryptocurrency (like irrevocable transactions) help or hurt the porn industry? There's entire sub-industries, like card processing company CCBill, that have arisen around porn.
The tendency of money launderers to use crypto is famous. This article misses a whole lot of possible effects and goings-on.